An Enemy of the People

The Access THEATRE Project

Highland Heights, OH
Professional Theatre

By: Henrik Ibsen
Adapted by: Brian Zoldessy

June 18 - June 27, 2021

Show Description:

Local writer Brian Zoldessy puts a virtual spin on Henrik Ibsen's timeless classic. Set in Little Falls, Minnesota in 1939, Dr. Thomas Stockmann has found harmful chemicals in the water source that is used in his small town. His brother, Mayor Peter Stockmann, is concerned with the economic impact of cleaning the water, and moves to create a false narrative, naming his brother An Enemy of the People.

Staff and Cast

Director: Fred Sternfeld

Dr. Thomas Stockman - John Busser

Peter Stockman - David Bugher
Mrs. Catherine Stockman - Lana Sugarman
Petra Stockman - Kelly Elizabeth Smith
Eirik Stockman - Jake Spencer
Morten Stockman - Isaac Luzar
Morten Kiil - Brian Zoldessy
Aslaksen - John J. Polk
Hovstad - Matthew Gittins
Billing - Benjamin Gregg
Captain Horster - Brian Pedaci
The Drunk - Doug Kusak
Townspeople - Rob Albrecht, Lou Will, Chris Bizub, Anne Mcevoy


Streamable On-Demand on the date of your choice.

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