By: Sarah Ruhl
October 29 - October 31, 2021
Show Description:
Eurydice (pronounced "YER-ID-I-SEE") is one of the greatest love stories of all time. And in this lushly inventive reimagining of the classic myth on film, by Sarah Ruhl, Eurydice and her musician-lover, Orpheus, are a modern couple—playful, charming and rapturously happy. On their wedding day, Eurydice wandered into Hades and is herself reunited with her father in the underworld. But Orpheus won’t give up on his only love. He follows her to the underworld. Eurydice must ultimately, choose between two worlds in this whimsical and breathtaking story of the power and fragility of love.
Staff and Cast
Director: Dan Hendrock
Premiere Screening at Chagrin Falls Performing Arts Center
Friday, October 29th at 7:30pm
Free streaming online any time between 10/29 after 10pm and 10/31 before midnight.
Content Advisories
This production has no content advisories.
Chagrin Falls High School
400 East Washington St.
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022