The Shawshank Redemption

Avenue Arts Theatre

Canton, OH
Community Theatre

By: Dave Johns and Owen O'Neill

October 8 - October 24, 2021

Show Description:

When Andy Dufresne is convicted of murder and sentenced to life in the notorious Shawshank prison, he must find a way to keep himself and his hope alive by using his wits and forging friendships. Based on the novella by Stephen King, The Shawshank Redemption brings the story of resilience made famous by the acclaimed film to the stage.

Staff and Cast

Director: Jared Sparks



8pm Fridays
8pm Saturdays
2pm Sundays



(330) 409-7595

Order Tickets Online

Content Advisories

This production has no content advisories.


Avenue Arts
207 6th St NW
Canton, OH 44702