Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Beck Center for the Arts

Lakewood, OH
Professional Theatre

Lyrics by: Tim Rice
Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber 

December 6, 2024 - January 5, 2025

Show Description:

Back by POPULAR DEMAND! The irresistible family-friendly musical about family! Go on the journey of the trials and triumphs of Joseph. This production features different styles of music and the most colorful costumes! Perfect for all ages, this show is sure to be a hit with you and yours.

Staff and Cast

Director: Scott Spence
Musical Director: Larry Goodpaster

Narrator---Mary Bridget Davies {Bebe Moss:  Narrator Jan. 2/3/4/5}
Joseph---Jacob Anderson
Jacob---Jon Fancher
Pharoah---Jimmy Helms
Asher/Baker---Cooper Campbell
Benjamin---Michael Younkin
Dan---Jordan Potter
Gad---Jimmy Metz
Issachar/Butler---Gabe Salazar
Judah---Christian Hall
Levi---Aiden Bryson
Naphtali/Potiphar---Morgan Thomas-Mills
Reuben---Owen Saalfrank
Simeon---Mike Majer
Zebulon---Simeon Schmitt
Male Swing/Ensemble-Tyler Sanderlin
Brother’s Wives/Female Ensemble
Rebecah Boesch, Dru Bramblet, Margaret Brinich, Allison Chatlos, Clara Edleman, Erin Eisner, Lacey Farina, Bebe Moss (Narrator Jan. 2/3/4/5), Kayla Servilla, Eliana Taub (Also Mrs. Potiphar), Catie Votaw

Youth Ensemble
Indi Atzberger, Clementine Brinich-Bratz, Cosette Brinich-Bratz, Emaline Bubnick, Colin Chatlos, Myles Downing, Iris Hunt, Jacklyn Kinkopf, Jett Lombardo, Felix Lotz, Tess McGettrick, Eve McLoney, Peighton Motil, Gabriel Shephard, Charlotte Stafford,  Aislin Tischler, Piper Weinzimmer and Daphne Westfall

For Narrator (Bebe Moss: Performs Jan. 2/3/4/5)
For Joseph (Gabe Salazar)
For Pharoah (Jordan Potter)
For Potiphar (Owen Saalfrank)
For Mrs. Potiphar (Dru Bramblett)


7:30pm Thursdays (No performance 12/26)
7:30pm Fridays
2:30pm Saturdays (12/28 has additional 7:30pm performance)
2:30pm Sundays


$18 - $44

(216) 521-2540 x10

Order Tickets Online

Health and Safety Guidelines

There are no health and safety guidelines listed for this production.

Content Advisories

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Beck Center for the Arts
17801 Detroit Ave.
Lakewood, OH 44107