August: Osage County
By: Tracy Letts
August 18 - September 2, 2023
Show Description:
A vanished father. A pill-popping mother. Three sisters harboring shady little secrets. When the large Weston family unexpectedly reunites after Dad disappears, their Oklahoman family homestead explodes in a maelstrom of repressed truths and unsettling secrets. Mix in Violet, the drugged-up, scathingly acidic matriarch, and you’ve got a major play that unflinchingly—and uproariously—exposes the dark side of the Midwestern American family.
Staff and Cast
Director: Rose Leininger
Michael Pitt, Beverly Weston
Molly Cornwell, Violet Weston
Natalie Zenczak, Barbara Fordham
Ray Conrad, Bill Fordham
Kayleigh Joyce, Jean Fordham
Victoria Kirgesner-Hunsicker, Ivy Weston
Lynna Metrisin, Karen Weston
Cheryl McConnell, Mattie Fae Aiken
William Bennet, Charlie Aiken
Ajay Kumar, Little Charles Aiken
Emily Flood, Johann Monevata
Chris Ross, Steve Heidebrecht
Keith Kornajcik, Sheriff Deon Gilbeau
7:30pm Fridays
7:30pm Saturdays
3pm Sundays
Health and Safety Guidelines
Effective April 13, 2022: At this time, masks for audience members are strongly encouraged.
Content Advisories
There are no content advisories listed for this production.
Cultural Arts Building
9543 Broadview Road
Broadview Heights, OH 44147