Shakespeare in Hollywood
By: Ken Ludwig
April 12 - April 27, 2024
Show Description:
It's 1934, and Shakespeare's most famous fairies, Oberon and Puck, have magically materialized on the Warner Bros. Hollywood set of Max Reinhardt's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Instantly smitten by the glitz and glamour of show biz, the two are ushered onto the silver screen to play (who else?) themselves.
Staff and Cast
Director: Victoria Kirgesner-Hunsicker & Tim Anderson
Calvin Adkins, Dick Powell/Sam Warner
Will Bennett, Max Reinhardt
Reilly Davidson, Olivia Darnell
Anthony Harbert, Jimmy Cagney/Albert Warner
Clay Hoffner, Oberon
Jesse Jennings, Joe E. Brown/Harry Warner
Kayleigh Joyce, Puck
Casey McCann, Will Hays
Ryan Merriman, Jack Warner
Irene Molnar, Louella Parsons
Erin Moore, Lydia Lansing
Julie Onderak, Darlene
7:30pm Friday
7:30pm Saturday
3pm Sunday (4/21 only)
Health and Safety Guidelines
There are no health and safety guidelines listed for this production.
Content Advisories
There are no content advisories listed for this production.
Cultural Arts Building
9543 Broadview Road
Broadview Heights, OH 44147