Yours Truly, Jack Frost and What Could Go Wrong the Night Before Christmas?
Red Barn Youth Theater
By: Tim Kelly and Kim Kao Hines
December 15 - December 17, 2023
Show Descriptions:
Yours Truly, Jack Frost: Jack Frost decorates windowpanes during the Christmas season and runs things in an old-fashioned way. Enter Evilina of the Muggleworth Advertising Agency. Evilina attempts to force Jack into signing over his frost formula. When her original plot fails, Evilina steals the formula. However, only Jack knows about the necessary “secret ingredient.”
What Could Go Wrong the Night Before Christmas?: A host attempts to do a lovely reading of “The Night Before Christmas” but is stymied by every imaginable interruption. Between the children in the wrong costumes, card playing mice and a thin Santa, our poor host is about to have a meltdown! In the end, our host finishes the poem, Santa hurries off to make the rest of his deliveries, and the audience is energized with the fun of the Christmas season.
Staff and Cast
Yours Truly, Jack Frost
Director: Dr. Greg Dziama
Chloe Alvis as Joan Joan
Paisley Baumann as Ester Oyster
Brady Cantrall as Mr. Smiles
Reece Cottle as Jack Frost
Arabella Giaco as Frostbite
Laney Hurtuk as Maybelle Birdsong
Libby Marcinek as Evilina Mugglesworth
Kennedy Minear as Mrs. Claus
Becca Newton as Parsnip
Zoe Patti as Miss Jingle
Cece Pisanelli as Goody Koontz
What Could Go Wrong the Night Before Christmas?
Director: Lynna Metrisin
Bailey Barr as Prop Manager
Brooklyn Barr as Costumer
Morgan Barr as Nermal
Madeline Borden as Host
Maggie Breslin as Child #2
Aston Davis as Papa
Camelia Hamed as Child #1
Bsail Hicks as Stage Manager
Sarah Hughes as Mama
Noah Johnson as Santa
Mira McClusky as Child #3
Grace Wilson as Chad
Oliver Yu Chen as Owen
7pm Friday
7pm Saturday
2pm Sunday
Health and Safety Guidelines
Our productions are subject to change due to COVID-19 restrictions. Seating may be limited to observe current State of Ohio and CDC guidelines. Face masks are recommended while in the building. We are allowing everyone to make their own decision. Please respect the choice of individuals in regard to masking. We will reassess, as needed, if case numbers start to increase. Please rest assured that every precaution will be taken to ensure that our staff, performers, and audience members will be as safe as possible.
Content Advisories
This production has no content advisories.
Clague Playhouse
1371 Clague Road
Westlake, OH 44145