
Cleveland Play House

Cleveland, OH (Playhouse Square)
Professional Theatre

By: Peter Shaffer

April 6 - April 28, 2024

Show Description:

Why does God grace some individuals with talent and genius, but render others dull and mediocre? This is the question that plagues Italian composer Antonio Salieri as he chases after fame and fortune in 18thand 19thcentury Vienna. Frustrated by his plight, Salieri becomes obsessed with ruining a young rival composer — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — in a deadly game of deceit and revenge. Musical history is re-orchestrated in Peter Shaffer’s Tony Award-winning tale of music, malice, and madness — Amadeus.

Staff and Cast

Director: Laura Gordon



Showtimes Vary. Click HERE to see all performances.


$25 - $80

(216) 241-6000

Order Tickets Online

Health and Safety Guidelines

There are no health and safety guidelines listed.

Content Advisories

Mild profanity; sexual innuendo; a single scene of non-consensual physical touch; a single scene of seduction/sexual extortion; a single scene of physical violence to woman; adultery. Recommended for ages 16+.


Outcalt Theatre
Allen Theater Complex
1407 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115