Written by: Euripides
Translated by Ian C. Johnston
April 21, 2020 - April 25, 2021
Show Description:
A sister. A brother. A cursed family line. A synthesis of two timeless works by Euripides, Electra/Orestes is the unforgettable story of betrayal, loss, and revenge. The CWRU/CPH MFA Class of 2022 presents their first Greek classic – a gripping, fast-paced adaptation which explores the roles of fate and free will.
Staff and Cast
Director: Desdemona Chiang
Isaac Baker - Menelaus /Body of Agisthius
Kristina Gabriela - Electra
Sierra Grabowska - Clytemnestra/Hermione
Bridget Kim - Helen/Chorus 2
Gustavo Márquez - Old Man/Apollo/Chorus 3
Christopher Portley - Orestes
Jordan Taylor - Chorus 1/Phrygian
Noah Williams - Pylades/Messenger
7pm Wednesday
7pm Thursday
On Demand from Friday, April 23 - Sunday, April 25
Runtime: 1h 30m
Content Advisories
Depictions of harm, and simulations of blood and knives will be used for this production.
This is an online production.