...or does it explode?

Cleveland Public Theatre

Cleveland, OH (Gordon Square)
Professional Theatre

By: John Dayo-Aliya

February 11 - February 13, 2020

Show Description:

This theatrical piece uses poetry, dance, and other contemporary theatre forms to explore questions of what it means to be Black, male, and young in the 21st century. …Or Does it Explode?, an unflinching portrayal of profound anger, hurt, and joy, blends stories gathered from men ages 16-35 in Akron, Ohio. Thought-provoking vignettes display social conditions and contradictions, and what it means to do justice to one another.

Staff and Cast

Director: John Dayo-Aliya

Austin Sasser, Benjamin Black, De Andre Hairston-Karim, & Dar’Jon Bentley


7pm Thursday
7pm Friday
8pm Saturday

Runtime: 60m


$1 per person (Suggested donation $1-$99), 1 ticket per email address (The virtual “house” will be limited to 50 “seats”)


Order Tickets Online (Please Note: Online sales for each performance will close 2 hours before each performance.)

Content Advisories

Warning: …Or Does it Explode? includes frank discussions of racism, bias, and violence, as well as adult content including derogatory language about the LGBTQ+ community. For details or additional content, please contact the Box Office at 216.631.2727 x501 or by emailing boxoffice@cptonline.org.


Zoom, Live Performance

**Zoom Required to View**
You must use Zoom to see this work. You will receive an email on the day of the performance with the meeting login information. Only one login will be sent to each individual email address. If you need more than one viewing device in your household, or want to purchase tickets for someone else, you will need to make a separate purchase for each email address/login.