Cease Not To Think of Me
(Virtual Reading)
By: Molly McFadden
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Show Description:
You can’t choose your family, but you can choose how to love them. Beth only wants what’s best for her brother, Bill. And sisters always know what’s best, don’t they? With no other family left, and Bill dealing with alcoholism and manic depression, these adult siblings must learn how to see each other for who they really are, before the divide becomes too great to reach across. For Beth, letting go may be the only way to truly connect with her brother.
Staff and Cast
Director: Erin E. Dolan
Samantha Cocco as Beth Larkin
John Busser as Bill (Beth's brother)
Agnes Herrmann as Wilma O'Brian
Liz Huff as Ms. Irene
Paul Slimak as the Ghost of Beth's Dad
7pm Thursday
$10 per person (A Zoom Link for the reading will be sent to the purchaser's email with instructions)
Content Advisories
This production has no content advisories.
Online Production