Eyes of the Bridge
Virtual Reading
By: Jeanne Madison
Saturday, December 11th, 2021
Show Description:
What happens when Black love collides with white lust for excitement at the turn of the 20th century in the old south? The prospects of sexual liaisons are fraught with danger. Luda Mae and her beloved Samson, a “colored” couple in Alabama in 1908, are planning to marry, open their own shop where they can ply their trades, farm their land, and raise a large and loving family. But disaster strikes, in the form of Miss Gracie Lewis, daughter of the town’s most prominent white family, ending Luda Mae and Samson’s future, causing Luda Mae to retreat into a world of work, and few expectations. Until, one fateful day forty years later, when Luda Mae is called to revisit the tragedy of her love cruelly lost, she sees the chance for a reckoning. Will the Jim Crow status quo prevail?
Or will she answer her age-old cries for justice?
Staff and Cast
Ashley Aquilla (Luda Mae)
Treva Offutt (Angeline)
Imani Khiry (Samson)
Maya Jones (Young Luda Mae)
DeLee Cooper (Cora Lynne)
Khaki Hermann (Gracie Lewis)
3pm Saturday
Runtime: 1h 35m
There will be a post show talkback after the reading @ 4:45. Please email plays@ensemble-theatre.org if you would like to attend the talkback.
Content Advisories
This reading contains strong language and themes.
This performance is being performed via Zoom webinar. Click HERE to register for the event.