In the Dance of Stars
Virtual Reading
By: Ife Gail Young
Saturday, January 29th, 2022
Show Description:
Glynnis, a middle-aged Caucasian woman and Rashard, a 22-yr. old African American young man melt away the walls of their different worlds to form a bond, finding solace in one another as they await updates about their hospitalized loved-ones affected with Covid 19. The two illustrate how magnificently similar lives are in times of fear and desperation, and the tendency to search for hope and healing, even in the bizarre. What is truly valuable to each character is placed under a microscope as their humanness is woven throughout their stories, vulnerabilities, and fears. When Glynnis is convinced that they should lean on the healing power of stars will they find desired reality or life on life’s terms?
Staff and Cast
Molly McFadden (Glynnis Potts)
Kyle Carthens (Reshard Reynolds)
Valerie Young (The Nurse)
3pm Saturday
There will be a post show talkback after the reading. Please email if you would like to attend the talkback.
Content Advisories
This reading contains strong language and themes.
This performance is being performed via Zoom webinar. Click HERE to register for the event.