The Prospect of Equality
By: Rachel Zake
May 24 - June 9, 2024
Show Description:
A young girl loses her mother as she stands on the precipice of adulthood. A visitor arrives who brings hope and, all at once, an event that should shatter her stands to make her stronger. Young Ruth takes advice from an older version of herself helping to guide her as she changes the world. The Prospect of Equality presents Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s story as we would often wish to see our own, with advice from our older selves, telling us that the fight ahead will truly one day be worth the struggle. * World Premiere NEW Play!
Staff and Cast
Directors: Celeste Cosentino
Erin Moran (Young Ruth)
Laura Perrotta* (RBG)
Nicholas Chokan (Young Martin)
Keenan Carosielli (Marc/Stephen Wiesenfeld)
Samantha Cocco (Margie/Sharron Frontiero)
Doug Sutherland (Morris Ginsburg/Martin)
Claudia Zalevsky (Sally Reed/Elena Kagan)
Dan Zalevsky (Charles Moritz/Antonin Scalia)
7:30pm Fridays
7:30pm Saturdays
2pm Sundays
Runtime: 1h 45m (with 10 minute intermission)
$15 - $35
Health and Safety Guidelines
Ensemble Theatre will no longer require masks be worn during performances.
Masks are still encouraged and are highly recommended.
Masks may be required should COVID cases rise in Cuyahoga County to a level that necessitates it.
- Disposable masks will be available at the theatre each night of performance.
- Hand santizing stations are located through out the NDC campus and in the theatre space and lobby.
- Notre Dame’s HVAC system is equipped with ionization, which is known to reduce risk from COVID-19.
- We ask if you are not feeling well to please stay home. Contact us to exchange or reschedule tickets.
Please Note:
COVID-19 is still causing disruptions to the entertainment industry, and others.
Dates and times of shows are subject to change or possible cancelations.
This could happen the day of a show. Please check for updates often!
Ensemble will contact patrons regarding changes or cancelations via all methods available to us, (phone, email, our website and social media platforms) in as timely a manner as possible!
Please check our online platforms for updates often!
Thank you for your ongoing support at this challenging time for everyone. Stay safe, stay healthy!
Contact us with any questions or concerns! :: 216.321.2930 :: ::
Ensemble Theatre will closely monitor local, state, national & CDC guidelines in regards to the spread of COVID-19.
Content Advisories
There are no content advisories listed for this production.
Notre Dame College
4545 College Road
South Euclid, OH 44121