Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Fairview PArk Fine Arts and Theatre Association

Fairview Park, OH
Community Theatre

Lyrics by: Tim Rice
Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber

July 18 - July 20, 2024

Show Description:

Told entirely through song with the help of a main character Narrator, the musical follows preferred son Joseph. After being sold into slavery by his brothers, he ingratiates himself with Egyptian noble Potiphar, but ends up in jail after refusing the amorous advances of Potiphar’s wife. While imprisoned, Joseph discovers his ability to interpret dreams, and he soon finds himself in front of the mighty but troubled, Elvis-inspired, Pharaoh. Joseph’s solution to Egypt’s famine elevates him to Pharaoh’s right-hand man and reunites him with his family.

The magical musical is full of catchy songs in a variety of styles, from a parody of French ballads (“Those Canaan Days”), to country-western (“One More Angel in Heaven”) and calypso (“Benjamin Calypso”), along with the unforgettable classics “Any Dream Will Do” and “Close Every Door.” Appropriate for all audiences and groups, Joseph is performed hundreds of times a year by schools across North America, the U.K. and around the world.

Staff and Cast

Musical Director: 

Full cast list HERE


7pm Thursday
7pm Friday
6pm Saturday

Runtime: 2h


$16 - $18

Order Tickets Online

Health and Safety Guidelines

There are no health and safety guidelines listed for this production.

Content Advisories

Rated: PG


Fairview High School Auditorium
4507 West 213th
Fairview Park, OH 44126