Music and Lyrics by: Stephen Sondheim
Book by: John Weidman
Based on an idea by: Charles Gilbert, Jr.
February 4 - February 20, 2022
Show Description:
This Tony Award-winning, sinisterly humorous musical takes a journey through the dark side of the American dream, as it explores the lives of nine people who either killed (or tried to kill) one of the Presidents of the United States.
Post-play discussions will be hosted by Greg Truhan, Lakeland professor and program director for the criminal justice program, former police officer and retired senior special agent with the United States Secret Service (USSS).
Staff and Cast
Director: Martin Friedman
Musical Director: Jordan Cooper
Balladeer: Owen Connor Stout
John Wilkes Booth: Eric Fancher
Samuel Byck: Cody Swanson
Leon Czolgosz: Brian Altman
Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme: Hannah Yonan
Charles Guiteau: Adam Rawlings
John Hinkley, Jr.: Jacob Lang
Sarah Jane Moore: Kate Michalski
Lee Harvey Oswald: Zach Palumbo
Giuseppe Zangara: Cameron Zona
Proprietor: Trey Gilpin
The Ensemble: Peter Bradley, Sarah Clare, Trey Gilpin, Stephanie Harden, Ian Jones, Kayce Kvacek
7:30pm Friday
7:30pm Saturday
2pm Sunday
Health and Safety Guidelines
Masks are required at all times on the Lakeland Community College campus. All actors and production staff are fully vaccinated.
Content Advisories
For mature audiences.
Lakeland Civic Theatre
7700 Clocktower Drive
Kirtland, Ohio 44094