Romeo and Juliet

Ohio Shakespeare Festival

Akron, OH
Professional Theatre

By: William Shakespeare

February 6 - March 2, 2025

Show Description:

The two dignified households, those two star-crossed lovers, and that one famous balcony. Ohio Shakes presents Shakespeare’s classic tale of young romance and dazzling swordplay. This ageless and fresh production is sure to remind us all that Romeo and Juliet is one of Will’s most engaging comedies, right up until that fated moment when tragedy strikes.

In summer 2018, Romeo & Juliet was the best attended show in Ohio Shakespeare’s nearly 20 year history. We bring it back to life indoors this time as only the second Shakespeare title to grace the Henry C. Bishop stage.

Ideal for students and adults alike, this production in unencumbered by concepts or gimmicks, allowing Shakespeare’s words, actions, and story to shine. It is the perfect way to introduce young folks to the Bard, or a refreshing night of unburdened Shakespeare for the seasoned fan. 

Staff and Cast

Director: Lara Mielcarek



8pm Thursday (2/6 only)
8pm Fridays
8pm Saturdays (added 2pm matinee on 3/1)
2pm Sundays


$5 - $35

(330) 574-2537

Order Tickets Online

Preview Night ($15 tickets): Thursday, February 6th
Pay What You Will Night: Sunday, February 9th
Free Student Night: Saturday, February 8th
Special Gift at the door for lovers: February 14th

Health and Safety Guidelines

- We are no longer enforcing mask-wearing in the theatre. 

- We will not require proof of vaccination status or negative test results for these performances.

- If you would like to request socially distanced seating, you may do so by contacting the box office directly at 330-5-SHAKES or email

Content Advisories

There are no content advisories for this production.


Greystone Hall
6th Floor
103 South High Street
Akron, OH 44308