Aponibolinayen in the Sky

A Tale of the Philippines

Talespinner Children's Theatre

Cleveland, OH (Gordon Square)
Professional Theatre

By: Elana and Les Hunter

October 8 - October 23, 2022

Show Description:

Join us as Aponibolinayen (also known as Apo) leaves her village, finding herself on an adventure in the sky! Surrounded by a host of fantastical characters, she finds herself not only exploring this new world but also who she is. Created in collaboration with Dr. Zeny Jandi and the Philippine American Society of Ohio (PASO).

Staff and Cast

Director: Carrie Williams



7pm Fridays
3pm Saturdays
3pm Sundays


$5 - $10 (or Pay What You Can)

Order Tickets Online

Health and Safety Guidelines

There are no health and safety guidelines listed for this production.

Content Advisories

This production has no content advisories listed.


Talespinner Children's Theatre
5209 Detroit Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44102