The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus

(In Your Home)

Talespinner Children's Theatre

Cleveland, OH (Gordon Square)
Professional Theatre

By: Eric Coble

March 5 - March 14, 2021

Show Description:

Sheila and her friends find themselves on a mystical journey that could change the course of human and animal-kind forever! When a mysterious coyote with a cowboy hat and pick-up truck steals the group of friends' orange traffic cone, the crowning glory of their dirt-road junk-pile fortress, an adventure and a true test of bravery and friendship begins.

Staff and Cast

Director: Melissa Crum

Andrea Belser
Miranda Coble
Jailyn Sherell Harris
Matthew Zitelli


7pm Fridays
3pm and 7pm Saturdays
3pm Sundays


All tickets are on a sliding scale. The suggested price is $35 for a household of 4.

(216) 264-9680

Order Tickets Online

Content Advisories

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