A Reading of the Declaration of Independence
With Poor Richard's Almanac and Hits of the 1770s
July 3 - July 4, 2021
Show Description:
“A Reading of the Declaration of Independence, Poor Richard’s Almanac & Hits of the 1770s” has become a tradition for The Lantern Theatre. It contains music, songs from the period, comedy, original scenes written by Eric Schmiedl, wisdom, excerpts from Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac, and history, a reading of our founding document.
Put it all together, on the historic campus of Dunham Tavern Museum, and it’s a great way to celebrate Independence Day weekend. The performance will take place outside in the Gray Garden behind Dunham Tavern and festive refreshments will be served.
Staff and Cast
2pm Saturday
2pm Sunday
Content Advisories
This production has no content advisories.
Dunham Tavern Museum
6709 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103