A Streetcar Named Desire

The University of Akron

Akron, OH
College Theatre

By: Tennessee Williams

November 4 - November 6, 2022

Show Description:

The play reveals to the very depths the character of Blanche DuBois, a woman whose life has been undermined by her romantic illusions, which lead her to reject—so far as possible—the realities of life with which she is faced and which she consistently ignores. The pressure brought to bear upon her by her sister, with whom she goes to live in New Orleans, intensified by the earthy and extremely “normal” young husband of the latter, leads to a revelation of her tragic self-delusion and, in the end, to madness.

Staff and Cast

Director: Sean McConaha



7:30pm Friday
7:30pm Saturday
2:30pm Sunday


$8 - $15

(330) 972-7895

Order Tickets Online

Health and Safety Guidelines

Masks are required for entry.

Content Advisories

There are no content advisories listed for this produciton.


Guzzetta Hall
157 University Ave.
Akron, OH 44325